Creme Egg Cup Cake

I like hacking. I like cakes. So why not combine the two? (I’ve decided to call it Cacking!)

If you have ever wanted to get Diabetes but wasn’t sure of the quickest ways to get it, or if a sugar coma is still on your bucket list then read on for a recipe that will make even Willie Wonka raise an eyebrow…

If you don’t want to read on, basically the recipe is “Make cupcakes and put in Creme Eggs

Before you start, make sure you freeze your eggs. (This is in case you go in to a sugar coma for too long, but still want children later in life). I also recommend putting some Cadburys Creme Eggs in the freezer a few days beforehand too, so they don’t melt too quickly in the oven and turn your cup cakes in to goo.

Next, mix up your favorite cup cake ingredience as normal (remember to use ‘real’ eggs, not creme ones though!). I don’t have a ‘home made favorite recipe’ but I do have a local Sainsburys that does a very nice Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix. General rule of thumb, as long as there are no “Warning: Not compatible with Cadbury Creme Egg” messages on the box you’ll be fine.

Next, put some of the mix in to some muffin cases. This is to prevent (well, delay as much as possible) the chocolate egg burning on the bottom of the tray.

DO NOT place your eggs end on, as shown here. I only did this as an experiment to see if they were better standing up or lying down. Vertical egg alignment should only be attempted by qualified eggsperts!

Instead, you should lay your eggs down sideways as shown here;

Next, cover your eggs with more cake mix. (Note that I went for a 50/50 vertical/sideways ratio on this run)

You will need to check the cakes fairly regularly to make sure the Creme Eggs don’t melt. On this recipe it was suggested an 8″ cake tin needed 25-28 mins, but these were just about done at 22 mins

Note that you can see here where the vertically placed eggs got slightly burned on the top. These had to go through a vigorous quality check, but ultimately all were deemed as “Edible”

If you have any that may not quite look their best on top, simply cover over with a chocolate icing and chocolate sprinkles to disguise any imperfections

When eating, always cut them open first to behold the beauty that lies within

Warning: Do not attempt to eat two or more at a time. As the French say, One egg is an oeuf!